Penelope The Pink-Nosed Puffin
From Plank Road Publishing
by Teresa Jennings and Karl HitzemannA Fine-Feathered Musical For Young Voices
Packers vs. Bears. Red Sox vs. Yankees. Buckeyes vs. Wolverines. All the great rivalries have stories to tell. And that includes one of the greatest of all: Puffins vs. Penguins. This particular story is about acceptance, respect, and good sportsmanship. It's also about not eating bad seafood. But that's not important. What is important is that a kind and loving young puffin with a pink nose instead of an orange one can demonstrate that differences need not divide us.
Synopsis: It's the final game of the biggest competition in all of bird-dom, The Beak Bowl. The prize is the coveted Golden Beak Trophy. The final two teams are none other than The North Sea Puffins and The South Sea Penguins. Before the game starts, we notice that one of the Puffins, Penelope, stands out from her peers thanks to her unique pink nose. Her orange-nosed teammates prefer to downplay it, but the Penguins are happy to razz them. After a round of gentle smack talk, the game begins. The feathers are flying furiously as each team knocks out correct answers one after another. It's down to the final round. But wait. Both teams – and most of the audience and even the moderators – are suddenly not feeling well. Could it be from the questionable buffet at lunch? But more critically, can they continue the competition?
Team Penguin makes an attempt, but they are unable to see it through. It's down to the wire for the Puffins, and they have one player who conveniently skipped the buffet at lunch: Penelope. The final question is tough and everyone doubts Penelope's ability to get it right. But of course, this is a kids' musical with a guaranteed happy ending. So yeah. She gets it right. A few other fun and celebratory moments, including an acknowledgment of valuable lessons learned, and they all bring it on home with a rousing finale.
Approximately 20-30 minutes long, the musical includes a script with easy-to-learn lines, plus five original songs: "Ready To Play!," "Puffins vs. Penguins!," "Seasick," "One Of A Kind," and "In The Pink!"
Penelope The Pink-Nosed Puffin is available in four ways: printed Teacher's Handbook with CD, printed Teacher's Handbook with downloadable MP3s, downloadable PDFs and MP3s, and our Convenience Combo Kit, which includes both print/CD and downloadable files.
(Run time: ca. 20-30 min.)
Teacher's Handbook, Reproducible Student Edition & Performance/Accompaniment CD
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