Receiving Pay For Programs

Submitted by Suzanne DeVene, Willard, Ohio

Idea posted 2003-03-14

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Years ago, I noticed that the elementary music teachers in our school system were doing MORE programs than our middle school choir director, and she was getting extra-duty pay! We submitted a request for extra-duty pay during the next negotiations and got it approved - I get 6% of a base salary for my 5 programs... around $1100 a year. Not nearly as much as a coach would make, but enough to keep me pacified.

So, get out there people and demand the same pay that your peers are getting for putting in extra hours!! I had to make a list of everything I do and the amount of time it takes to get mine approved. When you start adding up the hours and hours spent planning the program; making props, scenery, costumes; arranging music; recording accompaniment tracks; writing up programs; etc., etc. you'll find you have more than enough to justify extra-duty pay.

Do your coaches work for free? Do your MS and HS choir and band directors work extra hours for free?? Why should elementary music teachers do it for free? We shouldn't!!