We value your feedback.

We hope that you will take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us. As the new year begins, we are planning for what we will bring you next year. Your input will help us best design Music K-8 magazine with you in mind.

Your answers will be held in confidence, your information will not be shared with anyone, and you can be sure that we will read and study everything you tell us. Thanks for your time and support.

Background Questions

Is your school:
(This will never be shared and will only be used if your survey requires a reply.)
Which of the following best describes your teaching situation? (Check more than one if they apply.)

Music K-8 & Special Resources

Have you used our non-singing options (Boomwhackers®, Ukuleles, Handbells, Body Percussion, Kazoos, etc.)

Noodle Toonz™

Have you used our new Noodle Toonz or Noodle Kits™ with your students?

Diving Deeper Interactive Learning Assessment PDFs

Did you use any of the Diving Deeper Interactive PDFs featured in each issue this year?

Movement/Choreography Videos

Did you use any of the movement/choreography videos we created featuring the work of Melissa Schott?

Other Questions

Do you visit MusicK8.com?

We DO NOT share customers' e-mail addresses or other personal information with anyone.