Where Are You Going? To See My Friend: Picture Book Activity

Submitted by Connie Herbon, Iowa

Idea posted 2003-05-02


Materials needed: book by Eric Carle and Kazuo Iwamura (Orchard Books); Zoo Pals plates (stuffed animals could be substituted for plates); "Our Zoo Pal Friends" song

My K's have been successfully using "Our Zoo Pal Friends" for several months in connection with our Zoo Pal plates collection. Eric Carle's new book, created in partnership with Japanese artist Kazuo Iwamura, ties in well with this song and gives us a chance to do some vocal and instrumental exploration.

In the book, a dog, cat, rooster, goat, rabbit, and child join together in a journey to see their friends. Student voices and selected instruments can easily be added for each animal sound. We will sing our song and follow it with the book and sound explorations.

The book can also be read backwards in Japanese, with pronunciation guides. In this version, Kazuo Iwamura's lovely watercolor creatures are used to illustrate the text.

The song: This is for primary students, and ANY of the animal names can be plugged into the lyrics without changing any other words. The first phrase can be sung by the teacher or class member(s), and phrase two is a response. (Of course, change the rhythm to fit the names!) I'd use I and V7 guitar chords if I chose to add an accompaniment or just a bordun on the BX if the students accompany.


ta  ta  ta  ti-ti  ta  ta  Z


ta  ti-ti  ta  ta  ta  ta  Z


m  s  m  r-d  r  m  (rest)


s  s-s  f  m  r  d  (rest)

(call) Leop-ard, Leop-ard where have you been?
(response) Vis-it-ing Bum-ble-bee; she's/he's my friend.