Uses For Old CDs And Records

Submitted by Valerie Austin and RaeAnna Goss, Gainesville, Florida

Idea posted 2004-05-11


Idea #1

I use those extra junk mail CDs for decoration. Using a hot glue gun, I stagger them as a border around the bulletin boards. In addition, I've made notices around the room by placing one letter per CD (i.e., "Do not touch mirror" used 16 CDs). I also use the CDs as wheels on the cardboard school bus we have for each class. (The bus is handy for taking role: Each child has a place on the bus.) Submitted by Valerie Austin from Gainesville, Florida.

Idea #2

I spray paint old records gold as incentives for good behavior; i.e., "Which class will win the Golden Album this week?" Submitted by RaeAnna Goss.