Submitted by Phyllis Holroyd, Staunton, Virginia

Idea posted September 14, 2009

I have used this behavior chart idea for three years and it works well for my classes.

I created a bulletin board with a staff made of black Velcro® strips and I a large treble clef. On the bottom line, I start the school year with each class teacher's name on a Toucan bird (Velcro® dot on the back of the bird, small enough to fit the line). I discuss having a happy F.A.C.E. (treble clef space notes) class with the students and following the rules to keep everyone happy. If we have a successful class, I move the class bird up to the next line on the staff. The bulletin board is called, "Every Good Behavior Deserves FUN!". (After the first class, some of my 4th graders asked why we couldn't call it, "Every Good Bird Deserves Fun!".) After five good classes, the students earn "FUN!" This is 15 minutes of playing a music game at the end of class.

Every week, the students enter the room looking to see where their bird is on the staff. I guide them in discussing the bird, using the music note names. Also, after the bird has been on the "F" line, we start over again and I make a bigger bird with the class teacher's name, give it a tail feather, and place it on top of the board so that everyone can see the outstanding classes.

This is truly a great way to have all students engaged in learning the note names and working for good behavior. I meet my classes 15 times by Christmas and this gives them a chance to earn three "FUN"s. We vote on a game or music-related movie just before the holiday.

Today was my first day of school and the first graders were ready to move up to "Good!" They remembered!