Submitted by Leslie Ritter, Worthington, Ohio

Idea posted February 10, 2009

Choreography for "In The Spirit" from Music K-8, Vol. 18, No. 2.

Intro [measure(s) 1-2] Step/sway on Beats 1 and 3 - R L R L
[m. 3-4] - Step/sway on Beats 1 and 3 - Turning to the R or L slightly on each step (R L R or L R L freeze). Students are now facing their partner with hands joining and with their faces pointed over their shoulder to the audience.
[m. 5-9] (modified Jitterbug step) Beat 1 - Step L or R with front arm down and back arm up behind, jazz hands shaking. Beat 3 - Reverse above.
[m. 10] Beat 1 - Face forward, fists on hips. Beat 3 - Both arms straight up.
[m. 11] Both thumbs to chest.
[m. 12] (first ending) Step R L or L R, facing partner again. Repeat from m. 5
[m. 13] (second ending) Beat 1 - Bend down hands on thighs. Beat 3 - Raise arms on vocal slide.
[m. 14-15] Hands loosely cupped on either side of mouth.
[m. 16] Beat 1 - R hand on hip/lean L, raise L arm and shake L index finger. Beat 3 - Reverse above.
[m. 17] Repeat m. 16.
[m. 18] Hands loosely cup mouth again.
[m. 19] Arms out to the crowd, palms up.
[m. 20-21] Repeat m. 16-17.
[m. 22] Point both index fingers to audience.
[m. 23] Both hands up, jazz hands shake.
[m. 24] Split the choir into four sections from L-R. On each "come on" beginning with Group 1: Turn L gesturing "come" with R hand/freeze.
[m. 25] Beat 1 - Group 4 does the above. Beat 3 - All face forward, hands on thighs.
[m. 26-27] Shake/shimmy shoulders during the drum solo.
[m. 28-29] Stand slowly, arms rising, jazz hands shaking.
[m. 30-35] Beat 1 - Sway L raise R shoulder. Beat 3 - Sway R raise L shoulder.
[m. 36] (first ending) Beat 1 - Point L index finger to crowd (hold it there). Beat 3 - Point R index finger to crowd.
[m. 37] Both hands up jazz hands shaking. Repeat above.
[m. 38] (second ending) Point L index finger to crowd and hold.
[m. 39] Beat 1 - Both hands up jazz hands up shaking. Beat 3 - Both fists on hips.
[m. 40] Step R L R or L R L to turn sideways facing partner as in beginning on D.S..
[m. 41] Repeat m. 5-23 CODA.
[m. 42] Repeat as at m. 24.
[m. 43] Beat 1 - Group 4 turns. Beat 3 - All face forward hand down.
[m. 44-45] Repeat m. 22-23.
[m. 46] Repeat as at m. 24, but turn to the R beginning with Group 4.
[m. 47] Beat 1 - Group 1 turns. Beat 3 - All turn front R fist up.
[m. 48] Divide choir into four groups. Group 1 - Point L index finger at audience and freeze.
[m. 49] Group 2 does the point/freeze.
[m. 50] Group 3 does the point/freeze.
[m. 51] Group 4 does the point/freeze.
[m. 52-53] All face front, hands on thighs, bounce knees on Beats 1 and 3.
[m. 54] Entire choir clusters leaning toward center of risers.
[m. 55] On "Yeah!," all strike final pose.