What is a Wish List?

A Wish List is a handy way to remember products from MusicK8.com that interest you. You can keep items in your Wish List as long as you want, and you can add as many or as few items as you like.

You can also tell friends, family, or even parents of students about your Wish List with our downloadable, fillable Wish List flyer. Then they can easily perform a search, see what you want, and buy it for you. If someone else buys something for you, it is subtracted from your Wish List.

How do I get started?

  1. Create a Plank Road Publishing account, or log in to your existing account. Once logged in, look for the Wish List option. Click to create a new Wish List.
  2. Browse for items you'd like to add to your Wish List.
  3. Click on "Add To Wish List."

Ready to purchase?

Enter a quantity and click on "Add To Cart." The item is added to your cart for purchase. After you buy it, it is removed from your Wish List.

Change your mind?

Click on "Delete Item." The item is immediately removed from your Wish List.

Use it anytime.

When you come back to MusicK8.com, log in to your Plank Road Publishing account once to access your Wish List. You'll stay logged in until you leave the site. Go to your Wish List anytime by navigating to your account page and clicking the link, or by adding another item to your Wish List.

View or update your information.

Log in, then click the link to "View or edit your account information." There you can change your e-mail addess or password, or add optional information so that friends and family can find your list and buy things for you. If you don't want others to view your Wish List, you can mark it as private.

Buy For Someone Else.

Use the search feature to find the Wish List of a friend, a family member, or your child's music teacher. You can enter a name, school, city, state, or any combination thereof. Entering more information may help to limit your search results.

Once you have found the Wish List you're looking for, you may buy items for the Wish List's owner. Just enter the quantity you want to buy and hit the "Add To Cart" button. Then, if you want, you can include your name so the Wish List owner knows who bought what. When you're done shopping, follow the normal checkout procedures. Items will be subtracted from the person's Wish List.

Please note: You are responsible for:

  1. providing a shipping address for the person you're shipping to or
  2. delivering the item to the person yourself.