From: Brenda Crawley
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 1956 05:02:12 0000
I'm glad that someone else is feeling grouchy. Hey Alicia! Didn't I
tell you???
Today, the head of lower school tells me that she'd like a 20 minute
musical program for a ceremony on the first day of school after
vacation. (We are having a "millenium celebration.") HAH!
Oh by the way, our holiday concerts are all next week. I had a K-3
rehearsal today that put me WAY over the edge. My third graders were
suffering from some type of temporary insanity. My second graders were
caught up in the continuation of a soap opera that began at recess. So
some were fighting; some were crying; & some were just giving me that
"deer in headlights" stare. Two teachers were out & had substitutes
that were CLUELESS!! Two teachers had a conference with the school's
learning specialist & psychologist. I'm just now putting the top of
my head back on!
And did I mention the fact that I have 3rd graders and 5th graders
taking whole day field trips tomorrow? And,our 5th and 6th graders
will be taking a whole day field trip on the DAY OF OUR CONCERT:
Tuesday!!! Are my colleagues trying to kill me???
Still, tomorrow is another day.
Thanks for letting me vent!