From: Vining, Sonia

Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 21:21:25 0000

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Hi, Brian --
Are the recorders going to be theirs to keep? If not, I would engrave the number on the recorder, then use a Sharpie to write the corresponding number on the case. If the recorders are theirs to keep, I would engrave their name (First Last initial is what I do) on the recorder, then write their name in Sharpie on the case. I use a Dremel to engrave.


-----Original Message-----
From: MK8-talk [mailto:mk8-talk-bounces] On Behalf Of Brian Weese
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 4:08 PM
To: MK8 Mailing List
Subject: [MK8] Labeling School Recorders

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My principal is giving me the go ahead to play recorders in January. In the past we have washed school recorders through the school dishwasher, let them dry, and then use them the next day… Not anymore!

Now everybody will have their own recorder and mini cubbyhole to put the recorder in which I will be building over Christmas break! (Instead of storing in a tub.)

I was able to buy new school recorders, enough for each 4th and 5th grader at my school if they didn’t buy one. They each come with a plastic bag.

What is the best way to label them? Do I engrave each one with a number 1 to 100? Do I put a address type label on the plastic bag with the same number on it? Do I put the student’s name also on the address label on the plastic bag?

What have you done in the past that works well?


D. Brian Weese

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