From: Shauna Close

Date: Tue, 14 May 2013 08:05:29 -0600

Print List Archive Message

Hello everyone!!

My school year is winding down quickly!! I know several of you will see
students into June, but we are down to our last two week so school here in

My 4th & 5th graders just finished up a Centers Unit on Treble Clef Reading
and Note Recognition 2 CLASSES EARLY!!! I will see them twice more before
the end of the year, however I was planning on this Unit taking up most of
that time.

Do any of you have any "tried-and-true" activities for the older elementary
students at the end of the year. I don't want to just put on a video for
them to watch for the last few times I get to see them ...

If any of you have some ideas you'd be willing to share it would be greatly

I do know I have the Animusic Videos .... Does anyone have an activity you
do while watching these?

Thank you!

Shauna Close-Crossland
Stratton SD R-4
Liberty School J-4

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the
imagination, and life to everything." ~Plato