Skeleton Shake

by David & Anne Ellsworth

Skeletons have always been hip and happenin' subjects of fall pop culture. We've seen them talk and sing, and some even dance really, really well. Ours? Well, they [[[sshhhaaaake]]]!!

This active song is a melodic directive for your young students to pretend they are skeletons and do their own moving, dancing, and of course, shaking. On the music, we have included suggestions for some movements for your entire class to try. All of them are stationary, so no running around the room or climbing on chairs or risers (or each other...). Let them wriggle in place, swing elbows, stretch and flex fingers, laugh, and moan like they think a skeleton would. And all in their own space. Even the chorus suggests simple movements that are active, yet stationary. But you know your kids best, so do modify our suggestions and lyrics to fit your needs.

Kids can wear their own mittens or gloves (or you could have a stash from a dollar store set aside for just such an event), or their cool weather hats, or both – something that will make them feel that moving like a skeleton requires special effort and focus. If anyone asks why, remind them that as skeletons, they have no skin, so they need something to stay warm!

Our choreographer Melissa Schott was so taken with the fun and energy of this tune, that she decided to do her own movement ideas for it, too! You can find her free video on our web site, (See the box on page 77 for details.) As always, we encourage you to use, adapt, or just get inspiration from her offerings.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.