I Like Me

by Teresa Jennings

One of the most important things we can teach young children is that they are worthwhile, deserving human beings. It's amazing how many of us did not learn that well enough when we were young, and still struggle with issues of self-esteem even now. Positive self-worth helps to define who we are and how we live our lives. Needless to say, people who don't even like themselves are not likely to be very happy. And they are also more likely to project that unhappiness outward, affecting other lives around them, often in unpleasant ways.

Given our unique position of helping to shape young minds through music, we think that a song like "I Like Me" is very helpful in instilling that all-important sense of self-worth. This is a cute tune that can be sung by very young, primary students thanks to its simplicity. But of course, it can also be used with any grade you like. We grown-ups enjoy singing it, too.

Written as the second song of the revue, Positive, it can easily be used outside of that venue since the lyrics are not specific to the revue. A program about character, for example, might benefit from this song.

As a supplement to the message, consider using hand mirrors – either just in class or as part of a performance. (Use lightweight mirrors with plastic or safety glass suitable for little hands.) Encourage kids to look into the mirrors, right into their own eyes and sing with conviction. This may be harder than you think, especially if your students are older than primary and have had time to start doubting their own value. (When was the last time you looked into a mirror and said "I Like Me" with conviction? Be sure to join them to set the example!)

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.