Dancer And Prancer

by Teresa & Paul Jennings

Everyone knows who Dancer and Prancer are. But does everyone know that these two North Pole favorites are obsessed with dancing and prancing? You probably guessed as much, based on their names, but now it's official thanks to this lively swing tune! Simple, fun, and repetitive, this song is easy to learn and remember, which makes it perfect for your younger performers. In fact, once they learn it, the story song can pretty much stay out of the way so that you can feature your own dancers and prancers (if you're so inclined). To help with this, our choreographer, Melissa Schott, has come up with some suggestions in a video made specially for this tune. As always, she encourages you to alter and adapt her ideas however they work best for your little hoofers. You can find her video and teaching notes at our web site.

Costumes can be as simple as putting on a pair of "antlers," homemade or store bought. Or you can get really carried away with the full body type, tail and all. Make Dancer and Prancer the stars of your show, but by all means, consider letting other reindeer join in the reindeer games as well.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.