Drink Your Water

by John Riggio

A while back, John's wife showed him an article about dehydration and children. She thought a song about drinking enough water would be a good song topic, and we wholeheartedly agreed. The result is this catchy tune.

With rockin' drums, driving synths, and power guitars, we think your students will get the message of this song, and enjoy it in the process! It really is simple to sing, but if the dotted eighth/sixteenth rhythms look a little scary, listen to our singers on the demo. It's really just a swing rhythm, and the piano part plays it as well. By the time your kids have sung through it once, they'll know the phrase by heart: "You gotta drink your water."

Normally, we say that part 2 is optional, but on this song if you don't sing it, there will be gaping holes in the sound. Part 2 would have fit into part 1, but there wouldn't be anywhere to breathe, and frankly, we wanted part 1 to be able to sing emphatically with a full breath, "Drink your water!" So, please split up your singers and sing both parts.

How much water you need depends on who you ask. Some say drink eight cups a day, some say drink half your weight in ounces, or just let your thirst be your guide. Whatever the amount, this really is a no-brainer: People need to drink water to live. Water makes up approximately 60% of the human body (more, the younger you are; less, the older you are), and it is basic to life.

Of course, with a topic like this, "Drink Your Water" is a cross curricular tune, so your health and science teachers should appreciate it as well.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.