Submitted by Kristin Lukow, Nebraska

Idea posted September 19, 2003

I am soooooooooo excited about "The Apple Song" (from Music K-8, Vol. 14, No. 1)!

My 3rd graders have an apple unit every fall, and I am going to make the most of this song. I already use "The Ballad Of Johnny Appleseed" (from Music K-8, Vol. 9, No. 1), which is a huge favorite, and now this. I'm thrilled!

I plan on making word card necklaces for the different kinds of apples and giving one to each child as we perform. They will hold up their apple as we sing. Some simple sidestepping choreography should help them to enjoy the infectious beat! The parents always come for the apple tasting party at the end of the unit, so this will be a great performance piece!

I also want them to hold the film canister shakers that I made this summer. (I just put a little rice in each one and closed the lid with a strip of yellow electrical tape.) We will shake on the quarter notes during the verses and on eighth notes during the chorus.

I'll have my heart chart at the front of the room, and we will watch the rhythms as we play. I also adore the apple crunching rhythms. I'm still dreaming on that one...

I love to combine musical learning with their classroom learning! To me, when you find a song that can do that, you have found a winner - and this one is it!