Submitted by Gretchen Taylor, Illinois

Idea posted August 30, 2001

I've not done much concentrated listening with my classes before (last yr. that is), but have decided to do much more this yr. Anyway, I thought I'd share my next Wed's plan to incorporate my 6-8th graders first actual SQUILT experience with a "Theme to Remember" for anyone who might be interested...

As the students enter, I'll have playing on the CD Handel's Water Music - Alla Hornpipe. On the board will be written (thanks to Bruce S) "NOW PLAYING" followed by the title & composer. I'll allow the kids a few minutes to "talk" before I officially give the Qsign to start class. Then, bang! I'll pass out paper and ask them to describe in writing what they just heard. Now, I'm expecting a reaction like "But I didn't pay attention," or "I wasn't really listening Mrs. Taylor," or something of this sort which will lead into a discussion of Casual levels of listening with questions like "What were you doing while the music was playing?" "When else do you listen like this?" etc.

Then I'll tell them that this year, I'm going to help them listen on a deeper level beginning with an intro to a more concentrated level of listening.

Next, I will intro the theme to the Alla Hornpipe by playing it on the piano. I'll have the kids sing it on "la", clap it, pat it, whatever until they get it securely.

Then, I'll play the CD selection again asking the kids to change their position every time they hear any occurence of this theme or part of it. So, if they're sitting, they'll stand at the first occurence, sit at the 2nd, etc.

Then, I'll play it again and simply ask them to count how many times they hear the theme.

Next, I'll ask them to suggest various words to describe moods (happy, sad, festive, angry, joyous,etc.) and list these on the board. I'll then ask them to describe this piece's general mood choosing words from the list.

From here I'll give them a quick rundown on Handel and how he came to write his Water Music, as well as define "hornpipe."

OK, at this point I'll teach the "Theme to Remember" words for the entire piece.

Now, to prepare them for listening at an even deeper concentrated level for instrumentation, I'm going to refresh the 4 families of orchestral instruments by playing the "4 corners game" (designate each corner of the room as an instr. family and label: strings, brass, etc.). Choose someone to be It and sit with eyes covered in center of room. Play the Hornpipe theme to Remember lyric track while students move to any corner they wish. Stop music, It, still with eyes covered, calls out a family, say "strings." All who are in the "strings" corner must sit down. A new It is chosen and play continues until all or nearly all are seated).

After this, I'll play the actual Hornpipe selection 1 last time and ask the kids to list any instruments they hear predominantly. If time permits, we'll compare lists.

Finally, we'll dismiss with one more singing of the Theme to remember.

That's it in a nutshell. If they don't have that theme in their heads when they leave, then we're looking at brain decay!

**I've got a similar plan for my 5ths using Koday's Viennese Musical Clock if anyone's interested. :)