From: Jody Parisi

Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 08:17:18 -0400

Print List Archive Message

Having one of those days, my friends!
It's all kind of piling up on me right now! I'm SERIOUSLY sleep =
deprived because my 3 1/2 year old REFUSES to sleep through the night =
and my husband was snoring like a well-tuned symphony! Had my fair =
share of tears trying to get out the door and now I'm trying to hold it =
together enough to get through the day... I start concerts next week or =
BELIEVE me, I'd be home right now!
Encourage me! I really need it!!
Jody Parisi
Vocal Music
Caledonia-Mumford Elementary School
Caledonia, NY "The fact that children make beautiful music is less significant than the fact that music makes beautiful children."
Cheryl =