From: Chris Badger

Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2021 20:50:25 -0500

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Developing this for a colleague who is a new teacher. Mid quarter progress
reports for a private school and there will be lots of parent involvement;
Please comment on this for use in beginner band (grade 5) and general
Music (grades 4-6)
4- I can teach this
3- I can do this skill
2--I can do this skill with help
1--I can't do this yet-please give me some tips!
0-- I refused to try this activity/skilll.
Please comment on this scale for younger students in general music
3 (fingers) I can do this
2 (fingers) I need some help.
1 (fingers) I don't know how yet.
The teacher would informally notate or write it down.
It would have to have some kind of picture for kids to process this who
can't yet read. Hmm.
Thank you in advance.

Chris Ann
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