From: poetic43 at

Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2021 17:37:47 -0500

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Good ideas. Thanks all!
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 17, 2021, at 7:10 AM, Pam Hall wrote:
>> I teach in a private school and am blessed with instruments but understand your frustration b/c most funding is for Public schools. From your note you have taught in a public school and now are moving to private. I did this too.
>> First thing is make a list of what you want and give it to your school, give the school the opportunity to work towards a goal of helping you to raise money. I always hate asking for money but my principal reminded me this year that I did the school a disservice by not asking. He said “Music is as important as sports and you need to ask”
> Second. Write a letter on school letterhead and take it to your local hardware store, Lowes, Home Depot or Ace asking for a donation of 5 gallon buckets and dowels that can be used for drum sticks or rhythm sticks.
> Plastic pipes are better for Lumi sticks no chipping and everything can be spray painted fun colors. Take the letter to the store and give it to the store manager. You will get your
> buckets.
> Get quotes for Ukuleles, again, let your school know what you want, you will not get it this year but your PTF might help you fund it for the future.
> The school might also know of businesses that want to help you out.
> Hurry to the principal and secretary and ask to pad the the students instructional fee $10 dollars. I use that money to buy recorders and harmonicas. If you don’t use these instruments then use that ten dollars for something else. My school pads this for me every year now.
> Oriental trading has ribbons for movement and they hold up really well.
> Make an Amazon wish list and make sure parents can see it.
> Since you were in public schools, I am sure you know about the Kidstix stations and can make these. Tambourines in fish shapes can be bought at oriental trading and are nice.
> Oriental also has nice ribbons that hold up.
> I know you are looking for big ticket items but if you need small instruments many of us made instrument packets last year for our kids with pool noodle scrapers, sticks, egg shakers and more and each child had their own packet. The kids loved it. I don’t know if this is something that you need but it was inexpensive and could be used for so many things.
> Again, ask with the expectation that it will take a few years to fund but they will know what to work towards.
> Blessings to you,
> Pam
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