From: Sarah Latimer

Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2020 16:07:48 0000

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I have not used anything like that. And this might be an utterly useless idea for your purposes. But in similar situations some of my colleagues are quarantining instruments rather than cleaning them. So it doesn't work for full class sets of things-- only one class could use them for several days. But you could do a rotating thing where some people get the real instrument today and everyone else gets foam cutouts or something. After each use, the instrument then goes into quarantine. With varying reports on how long the particles can remain infective, our librarians are choosing to quarantine books for one week at a time, out of an extreme excess of caution. I think some of my colleagues might only be quarantining for three days based on something she read about the particular materials she's using. Regardless, if you used a quarantining-instruments method, it's a lot to keep up with which ones are untouchable at the moment, and make sure you clear your methodology with your admin.
Personally, I'm still just avoiding the use of instruments that can't be sterilized safely (safely for the instrument itself I mean!), but I'm curious to see other responses.
Sarah Latimer
Mansfield and Heard-Mixon Music
From: MK8-talk on behalf of Brian Weese
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 10:59 AM
To: MK8 Mailing List
Subject: [MK8] Guitars / Ukuleles
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Has anyone used guitars or ukuleles so far this year?
If so, how have you cleaned them? I’m afraid of using cleaners on the strings and from her board of my guitars...
D. Brian Weese
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