From: Tami Mangusso

Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 19:33:44 -0700

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I have a recorder for every 3rd, 4th & 5th grader that are school
recorders. Students do not keep them at the end of the school year. I
assign my students a number 1-30. They use this number for everything. I
engraved the number on the recorder and on the case I used arcylic paint
and paint a number, a shape, and then a dot with a color assigned to the
grade level (e.g. green 5th, orange 4th, red 3rd), then I painted a coat
of modge podge over it to keep it from getting erased off. Yes, this took
time to get them all done, but I did a few each night as I watched TV.
They have held up well. Having the shape and colored dot makes easy to put
back in the cubby especially if a student doesn't put it back in the cubby
like their suppose to.
I have all the recorder in shoe storage cubby organizers 6 x 4, total of 24
slot.. I have assigned the columns a shape: red circle, blue square, yellow
star, orange rectangle, purple diamond, and pink hearts.. Each class has
it's own row (we have 3 classrooms in each grade level), I put 5 recorders
into each cubby. 1-5 are red circle, 6-10 are blue square, 11-15 are
yellow star, 16-20 are orange rectangle, 21-25 are purple diamond, and
26-30 are pink hearts. When students need their recorder I will call them
by numbers. They will take the recorder out of the case and leave the case
in the cubby. This way we don't have to worry about the cases being played
with or getting moved around the room. At the end of class they would put
them in a bucket of cleaner and later I or a student helper would put them
on the dry rack. I made a drying rack for each grade level. The next day
I would put them back in the cases or have some students from the YMCA
daycare come and help me put them in their cases.
I do give my students the opportunity to buy their own. If they don't buy
one or forget to bring their own, they always have the school recorder to
play. They cannot take the school recorders home. I tried that one year
and many never came back.
Unfortunately this year we cannot play them. Colorado State University did
a study that examined the aerosol rates produced by wind instruments. They
discovered that there was a possibility that virus could be spread through
playing the instruments. Our state health department recommends that
student do not play any wind instruments in school.

We have been given an extra week for winter break so now we have 3 week
break which I am looking forward to (2 more days).
Tami in CO
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