From: Carol Hallberg

Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2020 18:43:40 0000

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Hi all,
My principal just talked to me about putting something together for Christmas. She supports the fact that I am not singing with kids due to covid. The idea is that we could have each classroom prepare a 1 minute or shorter Christmas performance of some sort, video it, I could put it in a Google Slide presentation, and the teachers could show it on the day before break for a "building wide" treat - with everyone staying in their own classroom.
I have 2 sections each of K, 1, 2, 3, 4 and one section of 5. Each student has a set of "pool noodle" scrapers, a shaky egg, and either pencils or large craft sticks that is in a ziplock labeled with their name and kept in their locker so that we don't share instruments. I do have enough octave bell sets that each 5th grader has one.
I am looking for movement to music, paper plate choreography, fingerplays, chants, etc., sound stories, etc. I can think of no better group of people to brainstorm with!
We are face to face, and students are not required to mask in the classroom, so almost no one does. I never take mine off!
Carol Hallberg
K-8 General Music Instructor
MOC-Floyd Valley Community Schools
Middle School
1104 5th Ave, Alton, IA 51003
Phone: (712) 756-4128
Hospers Elementary
201 4th Ave S, Hospers, IA 51238
Phone: (712) 752-8480
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