From: slaird at

Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2019 16:16:47 -0400

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For those of you who teach ukulele, I would like to pick your brains. I've
taught it for two years now, but mostly to fifth grade. I taught some
chords to the fourth graders last year starting in April.

I'm rethinking my approach and sequence. So, here are some questions:

1) Do any of you use a method and if so, do you like it? I have been using
Rainbow Ukulele I got from Teachers Pay Teachers, but I'm rethinking some

2) Do you teach tablature? Rainbow Ukulele does, so I have been, but it
seems to confuse some of the students. Since I have taught reading the
treble clef extensively with recorder before they try ukulele, is it better
to just stick with standard notation and teach the fingering for the notes
rather than introduce tablature?

Thanks for any help with this.

Sandy Laird
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