From: Norm Sands

Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2013 15:29:10 -0800 (PST)

Print List Archive Message

When I had an actual chorus period (I don't this year - too many classes!) =
if I was ever out for any reason, all of my classes would be cancelled beca=
use they do not hire a substitute for me. I don't complain about this be=
cause getting a substitute with musical knowledge is a slim chance and also=
I have way too many things in the music room that could get damaged or sto=
len if the right hands were not minding the store.

If they hire a substitute for you, chorus could still meet. Simply doing=
a "sing-through" wouldn't hurt and would keep the music fresh in their min=
ds. You would need to leave recordings, copies, etc. with detailed instr=

When my holiday concert was over, I would use the chorus period to meet wit=
h special performance groups (Orff ensemble, recorder groups, keyboard grou=
ps, etc.). We would perform for awards assemblies, Music In Our Schools =
Month, or other special occasions.

Norm Sands

> From: Jody Parisi
>To: =

>Sent: Monday, December 9, 2013 12:28 PM
>Subject: [MK8] question for elementary chorus teachers
> =

>Seasons Greetings!
>I have a question for all elementary, in-school chorus teachers.
>I have always (for 16 years) taught chorus after school. This year, how=
ever, my VERY small district has gone to 1 bus run per day for all K-12 stu=
dents, thus getting rid of after school events. Long story short: now ch=
orus is during the day. This has brought up issues I have not previously=
given thought to!
>How do you in-school chorus teachers handle canceling chorus? Is chorus=
ever cancelled? Do your subs teach chorus? And do you still have cho=
rus even after your concerts are over?
>Many thanks for your input!
>Jody Parisi
>Vocal Music
>Caledonia-Mumford Elementary School
>Caledonia, NY =

> =

>"The fact that children make beautiful music is less significant =

>than the fact that music makes beautiful children."
> =
Cheryl Lavendar