From: Alison Rohrbach

Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 13:01:13 -0500

Print List Archive Message

Once Upon an Ordinary School Day by Colin McNaughton and Satoshi Kitamura (=
copyright 2004 - ISBN - 0374-35634-3)
I apologize if this book has already been discussed, though I did check t=
he archives and found no mention of it. This book is coming highly recom=
mended from little old me. The story goes that all was ordinary and rout=
ine until the new teacher Mr. Gee shows up and asks them to make pictures i=
n their heads from the music he plays for them.
The first selection is rumbling, rolling, thunderous music and the scho=
ol children reply that they saw stampeding horses, cars, elephants, e=
tc. He then asks them to put the picture in their minds on paper and sta=
rt writing.
The main character, the "ordinary boy" is astonished with the imagery in =
his mind and even more so with the stories he and his classmates had made u=
p. At the end of the day he goes home to his ordinary parents and does o=
rdinary things...but his dreams are extraordinary!
I can easily see some team teaching with the classroom teacher and some wri=
ting projects....or with the art teacher and some free drawing, etc. O=
r maybe just in your own room to reinforce the imagery that music can creat=
e. Either way, this is something many of us do already and the book wo=
uld serve as a great front-loader.
Alison in IL
ps - the illustrations aren't as exciting as I wish they were...maybe you'l=
l feel different.
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