Submitted by Kim Morrison, Culver, Indiana

Idea posted March 31, 2003

I did a food program a couple of years ago and it was a BIG hit! It was called "Smorgasbord of Song." I also added several food commercials. The art teacher was the Chef and read the script, which was also pretty cute. Here's the order of songs we did:

  •  "Eat It!" by Weird Al Yankovic - This was a group of 5th and 6th grade girls dressed as old ladies. We introduced them as a group of retired cafeteria workers on tour as the "Lunch Ladies."
  •  "Mashed Potatoes" (from Music K-8, Vol. 9, No. 2) - 2nd grade.
  •  "Chiquita Banana" - A 4th grade girl in costume sang this.
  •  "You Gave Me Your Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie" (from Music K-8, Vol. 10, No. 5) - 2nd grade.
  •  McDonald's commercial - All.
  •  "5 A Day" (from a free packet of neat food songs from the Dole web site) - 2nd grade.
  •  "I Love Rocky Road" by Weird Al Yankovic - I had a group of 5 boys we called the "Dairy Kings" sing and dance to this one.
  •  "Cheeseburger In Paradise" (with a couple of lyric changes) - 4th grade.
  •  "Armour Hot Dog" - A boy in a hot dog costume.
  •  Jello commercial - All stand with 6 kids in front draped under large pieces of material: red, yellow, green, et cetera, shaking around like jello.
  •  "Pizza Love" (from Music K-8, Vol. 8, No. 5 also available as a Singles Reproducible Kit) - 4th grade.
  •  Oscar Mayer Selections - A boy in overalls with a fishing pole and a bologna sandwich singing the Oscar Mayer bologna song. Then a boy in a hot dog commercial singing the Oscar Mayer wiener jingle."
  •  "Addicted to Spuds" by Weird Al Yankovic - 4th grade.