Submitted by Kristin Lukow, Nebraska

Idea posted December 4, 2002

I am doing movement for "We Are Thankful" (from Music K-8, Vol. 13, No. 2), and here are my ideas...

Girls and boys put hands on hips and bend knees on opposing beats, girls go down on 1 and 3, boys on 2 and 4. They look like little pistons - it is so cute. (I drew a G on one hand and a B on the other so they could see when they go... it works.)

Then for "We are thankful..." hold hands in front of body with elbows out, like "opera style" with heels together.

(My students came up with these...)
"Have" - hand flat out front - freeze until the next move
"Are" - hands touch chest - freeze until the next move
"Do" - point out to audience - freeze until the next move
"Be" - thumbs to chest - freeze until the next move
"Oh..." - Arms sway over head on half notes.
On "thankful" hands on hips and stomp your foot!
Then... repeat.

I have my 3rd graders singing the first part and the high notes on "Oh." My 4th graders are singing the echo and the low notes on "Oh." It is so great!

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