Submitted by Connie Herbon, Iowa

Idea posted October 23, 2002

My 1st graders started learning the refrain signs today for Proud To Be An American (from the Network section of Music K-8, Vol. 12, No. 5), so I thought I'd share them. The song is also in the Idea Bank under the category "Patriotic," listed as "Patriotic Song For The Little Ones."

The teacher in our Signed English class expected us to use/adapt signs as needed in songs to make the lyrics flow easily. Keeping this in mind, we sign only part of the words and simplify as needed. Starred words are definitely optional.

*I'm (I) - "I" shape RH palm left. Place thumb side to chest.
proud - "A" shape RH palm out, thumb down. Place on lower chest and draw up slowly.
be - "B" shape RH palm left, tips up. Place index finger on mouth and move out.
American - Interlock fingers, palms in, and circle from R to L + agent (person) marker.

(Pull flat hands down in front of body at about shoulder width.) Wave the red, white, and blue (flag) - place right elbow on back of left hand which is held before you. Wave RH back and forth like a flag.

hope - Touch forehead with R index finger. Raise open B hands to face each other, RH near right forehead. LH at the left. Simultaneously bend and unbend fingers of both hands toward one another.
you - Point index finger at person being addressed.
*are - Place "R" shape RH, palm left, at mouth and move shape forward.
too (also) - "1" shape both hands, palms down, tips out. Tap sides of index fingers together 2X.

I'm also finishing up a second verse.

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