Submitted by Jodi Goble, Massachusetts

Idea posted March 28, 2002

Today, my second graders discovered that during the "cookie dance" section of "You Gave Me Your Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie" (from Music K-8, Vol. 10, No. 5), you can do the entire Macarena exactly three times. One of my little Britney wannabes - quiet kid, usually never says a word in class - unexpectedly stood up (in her pink pleather pants and her Barbie T-shirt) and started dancing! You know, hand, hand, palm, palm, cross, cross, and so on. Thirty seconds later, the entire class was on its feet. Talk about a quiet revolution...

I would never have thought of it, but it's actually really perfect and VERY funny. I laughed myself sick, and so did they.