Submitted by Stephanie, Ohio

Idea posted December 7, 2005

My sixth grade choir choreographers made up the following moves to "Shout!"; all moves last 8 counts:

  1. Shake hands in front like drying nail polish or flicking water.
  2. Hands into fist on hips and shake hips.
  3. This one's tricky to describe:
  4. Point right toe and put jazz hands out over right side of body (count 1).
    Bring hands and foot back in (count 2).
    Point left toe and put jazz hands out over left side of body (count 3).
    Bring hands and foot back in (count 4).
    Repeat the whole thing to complete 8 counts.
  5. Start on right side rolling hands (i.e., "The Wheels On The Bus"). Bring them up above your head then down to the left side of body (8 counts).
  6. Start on left side rolling hands (i.e., "The Wheels On The Bus"). Bring them up above your head then down to the right side of body (8 counts).
  7. Twist down to the ground (count 4) and back up.

It looks really cute all together.

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