Submitted by Connie Herbon, Iowa

Idea posted June 3, 2005

My third grade classes have been working on "An Upstanding Citizen" from Music K-8, Vol. 15, No. 4 in preparation for our Reading Month and probable inclusion in our May concert. They love the song, but I wanted to introduce choreography early in the learning experience to help with word memorization. It needed to be easy for them to make it do-able with my younger grades.

L = left
R = right
X = times
Part I:
m.13: L hand on hip, shake R pointer finger 4X. R arm straight down at side on "up"/ L arm down on "stand"/ straighten shoulders and heads at attention on "citizen." (Girls may be more willing to shoot their L hip out in the beginning pose, and the boys more comfortable with the shoulder straightening / soldier-type pose.)
m.17: Repeat L hand on hip, shake R pointer 4X. R arm out, palm up on "...standing"/ L arm same on "in"/ point and bring thumbs to chest on "life."
m.21: Fold arms across chest and nod head 6X. Cross heart with R pointer (down-down) at "do." (m.24)
m.25: R hand over heart on "character" / R pointer straight up beside head on "integrity" / scout salute on "honor / R arm and pointer aim out and up at slight angle on "through."
m.29: same as m.13
Part II:
m.13: Aim bodies slightly R, hands on bent knees, flat back, faces forward, and pulse beat with bent knees 8X.
m.17: Same to L but only 7X. Stand straight on beat 8.
m.21: Fists on hips, nod head 8X.
m.25: Turn slightly R and shoot arms down at sides on REST, adding a tiny stomp with R foot, giving a bit of attitude with the head, and keeping face turned forward. Maintain this pose throughout the phrase.
m.29: same as m.13 of Part II
Part III:
(Combine Parts I & II, with movements fitting whichever part students are singing.)
Part IV (after combined parts in III):
m.44: Step R (TINY steps) / touch L and shake R pointer. Step L / touch R and shake L pointer (repeat all)
m.48: Repeat one sequence of step/touch & point, sweep both arms up with palms up for one measure, then down with palms down for one measure
m.52: Repeat as at m.44
m.56: R hand out, palms up, up for 2 measures / L hand out, palms up, and a little higher for 2 measures
m.60: R hand out, palms up, a little higher for 2 measures / L hand out for ONE measure, then thumbs to "self"
m.64: Both arms out and HIGH, palms up, gradually bringing down for the 4 measures that "life" is held out
m.68, 69: 4-step turn to R
m. 70: 4 shoulder "pulls" (jerks)

m. 71: 1 final shoulder "pull," then random "freeze" poses on "Momma!"
The hardest part of the song for us, including myself, is Part II. I've written out all the song lyrics by phrase in large print, color cued certain words, and added the choreographic directions above the lyrics in smaller type. I'm hoping this will help me be a better leader. I also bought candy as a reward for my 3rd grade classes for being such good helpers in finding what movements worked for us.
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