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Your ZIP Download

Peaceful - Free Song

Peaceful - Free Song

This beautiful 3-part (optional unison) song is our gift to you. It's perfect for the holiday season but, given its universal theme, can be used throughout the year.

Feel free to share it with your students, other teachers, your community, and so forth. (However, commercial use is strictly forbidden.) It's FREE, and ready to use as soon as you download it. This free song comes in a zipped file that contains everything you need: a printable PDF of the piano/vocal score, student part, and lyrics, as well as full-performance, accompaniment-only, unison, a cappella, and rehearsal tracks in MP3 format.

Listen to an excerpt:

You will need to extract or expand the file before you will be able to use it.

These downloads are intended for use by teachers in their classrooms and for performances. Commercial use of any songs, images, or documents in the Downloads section or any other section of is expressly forbidden. All songs and images are Copyright ©1997-2025 Plank Road Publishing, Inc.