Hip Hop Bunny

by Teresa Jennings

If you like to do songs about bunnies for Easter, here's another one to add to the repertoire. It's a song about a bunny who's into hip hop. Even the youngest singers will feel the groove and move along easily right away. Let them.

The song could be sung throughout in unison if the divisi is too challenging. But it's a simple and natural division, so you might have at least some that pick it up quickly. Of course, you could also have older students join in to help out.

The cute part of the song comes when students speculate what else (besides hip hop) a bunny should do. Select different soloists to speak each of the answers. If they can, have them take care to distinguish between the exclamation marks and the question marks.

For a program, pick someone to be the hip hop bunny. Have him dress like a contemporary hip hop performer might (with your assistance and judgment) and move or dance accordingly. The defining part of the costume should be the ears. Long and floppy would be best.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.