Christmas Through The Eyes Of A Child

by Teresa Jennings

Do you ever really outgrow the little child inside who looks at Christmas with wonder? A child to whom the season is magical? This beautiful song captures the essence of that Christmas feeling with gentility and joy. More than that, it offers a most sincere wish for all who listen: May you see, too, through the eyes of a child.

Though we have chosen to record this tune entirely with group singers, you may prefer to have soloists for parts of it instead. We have indicated a couple of good places for this on the music, though you can adapt it in any way it works for you. The recurring background motif of "O Come, Little Children" ends the tune with one of the suggested places for a soloist. You could also use a group of young singers - little children - to add a special touch.

You will note that part 2, which is optional, is a countermelody that weaves together with part 1 exquisitely. It is doubled in the recorded accompaniment tracks (which are very nice) throughout by various instruments in case you aren't able to use it with singers. However, it's such a lovely duet, perhaps you could ask some older singers (students, teachers, parents, etc.) to help you out with part 2. It's well worth the effort. Be sure that you don't preview part 2 until measure 5 on the D.S. though to get the maximum musical build. The temptation to let part 2 join in at the chorus the first time at measure 23 would upstage the first hearing of the melody in part 1. Don't show your hand too early! The blend the second time will have more impact if you do it as written.

To help you teach this song, we have created some isolated vocal rehearsal tracks that you can find at our web site as free MP3s. (See details following.) These include part 2 by itself and a combination of part 1 and part 2 from the D.S. to the end.

Online extras - The free, downloadable extras mentioned can be found under the Graphics and Extras for Volume 20, No. 2 at

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.