
by Teresa Jennings

Notes on using this as a warm-up

This warm-up is meant to provide a simple, fun way for students to properly warm up their voices. Granted, warming up may be a luxury for some, but for others it is a necessity - especially in a choral setting.

To get the best results from this warm-up, be sure to follow some basic guidelines for vocal production, such as good posture and support. All notes should be sustained for their full values as indicated, taking short breaths as needed between phrases. Don't clip phrases. Each phrase is two measures long.

The section at 17 is to be sung six times. For variety, interest and vocal benefits, each time should have a different style:

  • 1st time - nasal - forte (exaggerate nasal quality)
  • 2nd time - serious - mezzo forte (all head voice, good vibrato on sustained notes)
  • 3rd time - hum - forte (flare nostrils, literally "say" the words, just keep lips closed)
  • 4th time - open - piano (not a whisper, full tone - only quiet)
  • 5th time - normal - mezzo forte (natural feeling)
  • 6th time - normal - forte (also natural, just louder)

Part II should be added during the 4th time through (also piano); part III during the 5th time (also mezzo forte). These two parts can be solos or solis.

Listen carefully for the ritard at the end. The last "hum" should be forte, with an exaggerated "h" and more of an "oo" as in "look" than "uh." While holding the "m," throats and nostrils should be open.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.