One Gallon Has Four Quarts

by Dan Thieman

This simple song helps teach some of the more common liquid volume conversions: One gallon has four quarts, one quart has two pints, and one pint has two cups. The melody is not complicated, and the lyrics are repetitious. Because of this, learning the music won't be that difficult, which will allow your singers to focus on the different liquid measurements and how they relate to one another.

Verses one, two, and three go from larger to smaller (gallons, quarts, pints, cups), then the fourth verse goes back through them all, but in the other direction (cups, pints, quarts, gallons). These conversion skills are handy to have memorized, especially when working in the kitchen.

If you want to take it a step further, you could use this song for other conversion concepts by altering the words. For example, "One ounce has two tablespoons," then, "One tablespoon has three teaspoons." Or even "One whole note has two half notes," etc. Just change the rhythms as needed to make it work. Swapping in different words expands the song's versatility, and students will also be more capable of learning a new concept if they are able to build off of something familiar that they already understand.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.