The Library Card

by John Riggio

This isn't your grandparents' library anymore. Most libraries no longer have a card catalog. And the library won't just have books and magazines. It has e-books and audio books. It has music CDs and Blu-ray discs. It's a library of things as well as books and music. You can check out video games, tickets to your local museum, a puzzle, or a streaming device. The library card has changed, too. Sure, you can still get a physical card, but it's also an app on your phone now. And it's your passport to the world.

That phrase, "passport to the world" can make us think about tales of international intrigue and spy stories, so why not lean into it with a spy rock motif? Which is exactly what John did. And quite well, we think. If you can, take a few minutes to enjoy the orchestration on the recording. It's cool with a capital C.

The vocal line is very singable, and as is our custom, we make sure it is covered by one or more of our instrumentalists. Notes in parentheses (measures 27 and 63) give your students the option to sing an E in case the A below middle C is too low for them.

In performance, students could wear sunglasses while singing for that hip incognito look. Then, whenever they sing the words "library card," they can hold up their actual library cards. (Which is a good excuse for you to help them acquire one for themselves, by the way. With their parents' permission, of course.)

We'd like to acknowledge our session players on this song. We think they did a magnificent job bringing the style to life. You can find their names listed on the masthead for this issue (inside front cover).

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.