Happy, Happy Father's Day!

by Teresa & Paul Jennings

Even though Father's Day falls in June (the third Sunday every year), we know some of you may yet have a chance to include it in your school performances or other social or public gatherings. Besides, we definitely want to include our dads in our celebrations! So we have created a happy song to use accordingly.

This jazzy toe-tapper is simple and easy-to-sing, which means you can include pretty much all of your students when you perform it. Put the lyrics in the program or project them on the wall, and we'll bet even your audience catches on quickly enough to join in the merriment. There is even a lively "cheer" at the end of the bridge section that invites a bit of extra exuberance. The snaps (and claps) are optional, but they add a lot of fun and movement, not to mention energy, to the piece.

Of course, if you would rather use the song for Mother's Day instead of (or in addition to) Father's Day, we've got you covered there, too. Just substitute "Mother's" for the word "Father's" in every instance it occurs. Yup – it works. Also, we went ahead and created an alternate version of the song for moms and put it on our web site, in case that's helpful to you.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.