My Best Friend Is A Dog

by David & Anne Ellsworth

"My Best Friend Is a Dog" is a happy, slobbery acoustic, country frolic with gobs of repetition and opportunities to dance like a dog. The sung verse is solely the stated title of the song. When the action words are sung, students can use their hands and arms to act them out. Let the suggested puppy movements be the kid actions in the chorus when no singing is taking place. Time them exactly or let your class be random with the acoustic instruments. Layered beneath the song are African drums to help keep time, and high above are descant voices that invite happiness in puppy play.

There is no doubt in our minds, the joy that has come to our family because of a dog. And what is so wonderful is that dog ownership is a common denominator among humans, especially children. They let us know that we are loved, no matter our circumstance. Their uninhibited play unites with children as kindred spirits. They go together like peanut butter and jelly.

On a particular day in my K4 class, while working in small groups, we were creating family pictures. One child drew a single, small four-legged creature among the people in her life. "This is my dog, Shiny. He's my best friend." The child thought enough of that relationship to place him with her parents and siblings. That spawned discussions with the rest of the group and all agreed: A dog is family, just like people. - AE

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.