
by Teresa Jennings

In January, 1992, America will once again welcome a new President into office. This time, you and your school can join in the inauguration celebration with the song, "Anthem," which appears in this issue.

This song was deliberately designed to fill a need which many music teachers have asked us to fill. A lot of schools hold a variety of ceremonies, including graduations, for which they have had very little literature to choose from. (As a matter of fact, we had jokingly refered to this piece as our "All-purpose Anthem" while we were recording it.)

The lyrics are generic in their original form, but they can certainly be rewritten or adapted as needed to fit your particular situation. You may, for example, wish to add the name of your school somehow if you are using the song for the graduation ceremony of your Kindergartners or sixth graders. Similarly, the name of your community could be added for the inauguration of your new mayor.

If you are using the Performance/Accompaniment Cassette, you will hear the rich sounds of a brass sextet and pipe organ simulating the reverberation of a great cathedral - perfect for ceremonies!

If you are not using the cassette, the piano accompaniment is simple enough to be played by most school accompanists without sacrificing the fullness desired for your special occasions.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.