I Want Some Pumpkin Pie

adapted/arr. John Riggio

This is not "Chopsticks" in its purest form, but it's pretty close. Actually, it's sort of a cross between what John was familiar with as a child and what he felt would work with the lyrics. But this is not really about "Chopsticks" anyway. It's about the pie! You can sing it for Thanksgiving or Christmas, or anytime pumpkin pie is being served.

Comedy is the thing here, as your singers should become more intense as the song goes along, and especially at the accelerando in measure 39. When we say "through gritted teeth" at the end, we mean it, and our studio singers did a lovely job displaying the proper amount of frenzy and angst. Be sure to accent the "I," "You," and "We" lyrics as they occur, and definitely sing the bridge with abandon. ("And then we'll have some…!")

You'll want to select two comedic actors for the spoken lines at the end of the piece. One of them could drop a whipped cream "pie" during the crashing sound effect for added realism while someone else drops something noisy (old pots and pans?) to amplify the effect. Special thanks to our singers Alec and Aidan Huffman, for their humorous performance at the end of the song.

Text is taken from Music K-8 magazine.