Be Kind To Each Other - Book/CD Kit


"Be Kind To Each Other" is the story of Androcles and the Lion. It takes place in Rome, a long time ago, and tells how a simple act of kindness is never forgotten. In addition to being fun and easy to put on, it is a great lesson for all of us to remember.

Setting: Cast is positioned on stage as if they are at a sporting event. There are the following signs: Roman Holiday, Sports Arena, Fun and Games, etc.

Cast: Seven narrators, three Roman pages, four jugglers, three acrobats, two gladiators, the Emperor and attendants, Androcles, the Lion, 20 Roman citizens, and five lion keepers. Note: If you have a small group, double up on parts.

Costumes: Crowd is dressed in togas (sheet draped over shoulders) and may wear sandals. The Emperor may have a special cape held by his attendants. Jugglers, acrobats, and gladiators are decked out in bright colors. The Lion may have a paper mache mask. Androcles has chains around his hands.

Duration: 20 minutes