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BAG-Oh Recorder Game

Submitted by Kelly Fothergill, Blue Ridge, Texas

Idea posted 2004-04-19

I just wanted to share something I have been doing with my recorder students in fourth and fifth grade this week. I took the game BAG-Oh (from Music K-8, Vol. 11, No. 5) and made a transparency.  I divided my class into two teams. I would play one of the squares on the game, and each team, in turn, had to guess which number I had played. If the team answered correctly and could play the number back correctly, that team got an extra point. My students are getting better at quickly recognizing the notes on the staff. I didn't write in the letter names like I usually do when we are learning a song. Now that we have played this game a few times, I may not have to write them in any more.

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