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Setting The Tone At A New School

Submitted by Gretchen Taylor, Illinois

Idea posted 2003-10-09

Four years ago, I had to set the tone at a new school with K through 8th. Here's exactly what I did with my students...

I first met each class at the door (Harry Wong style), greeting them warmly but firmly. Then, after they stampeded into the room to sit wherever they wanted (something they always did with previous teacher), I calmly directed them to stand up, move silently back into the hallway, and enter the room by walking and NOT talking. They could sit where they desired, but only for today. I encouraged them to choose their seat carefully, because if I noticed ANY misbehavior with a neighboring classmate, it was guaranteed they would never be seated beside that person again. Also, there was a possibility they could be in their chosen seat for quite a while, so choose wisely. (This definitely got their attention.)

Once in, I introduced myself (again, warmly but firmly). My intro went something like this...

Class, I am NOT Mrs. so-and-so. I don't look like Mrs. so-and-so (turning around), I don't talk like Mrs. so-and-so, and I don't manage my classes like Mrs. so-and-so. I am Mrs. Taylor and I'm your new music teacher this year. I'm sure Mrs. so-and-so did a fine job teaching you, and I know you'll miss her, but I am not her. I will no doubt do things differently than her, so there's no point in saying things like, "Oh, Mrs. so-and-so never did that!" or "Mrs. so-and-so always ..." While those things may very well be true, remember, I'm Mrs. Taylor, NOT Mrs. so-and-so. I know it may take some time to get used to how I do things, but the sooner you do, the better for all of us. Now, let me get better acquainted with you...

I would then proceed into a name game or something followed by a presentation of my rules and procedures (which we practiced!!).

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