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Name Games

Submitted by Ardith J. Roddy, NBCT, Littleton, North Carolina

Idea posted 2003-10-09

Q: I am a first year music teacher, and was wondering if anyone out there had any "rhythmic" name game ideas for the first days of school.


Hey children, who's in town?
Everybody stop and look around
Say your name and when you do
We will say it back to you.

Pat on knees, say poem, then have four children respond and say the poem again. As each one speaks, concentrate!!

All my kids, K-5, love this. Older kids get creative with a clap-pat pattern while they speak. I returned to music a few years ago and prepared by taking Level I Orff. A class member gave me this one. It's been a lifesaver for a number of years.

Immediately following this with younger classes, I practice the names by having each sing in response to "Calling (their name)" and the child answers, "My name is ____" s-s-m-m tune or make up something.

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