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Discipline/Consequences/a la Carte

Submitted by Juli, Rainwater, Louisiana

Idea posted 2003-09-22

Here are two ideas I use:
1) Music Awards: In each class throughout the year, classes may earn a music certificate. To earn a certificate, the class must have no checks in the "Music Box." The "Music Box" is a box I draw on the board. Whenever I need to remind someone of the rules, he/she first gets a warning, then his/her name goes into the box. If their name is in the box and he/she acts up again, a check goes by his/her name. If there are any checks in the box, the class doesn't earn an award.

The awards are pinned or taped together in a place in the classroom that is conspicuous, yet out of the way of the classroom teacher. (Usually in the front above the alphabet or above the door). I let the teacher suggest a good place, since it's his/her room.

At the end of the year, the class with the most certificates gets a treat. I have brought punch and cupcakes the last two years. It is definitely worth it!

2) "Marvelous Musicians": At the end of each class, I select two students who have made a good example and tried their best. These two students get to put their name on a piece of paper I have pre-printed and put the paper into music box (a plastic, decorated shoe box). Then, at the end of each nine-week grading period, I draw five names from the box and the winners get a prize! (Each of the classes in the school has the same box.) Last year, I bought inexpensive plastic recorders. These were especially a hit with the pre-3rd graders, because they are looking forward to playing the real ones in the 3rd grade.

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