Printed from the Idea Bank

Maple Leaf Rag Lesson

Submitted by Sandy Elder, Michigan

Idea posted 2001-12-19


maple leaf cookies, real maple syrup, plastic spoons (opt.), napkins in autumn colors, recording of Joplin's "Maple Leaf Rag," photocopied pictures of Joplin to color, crayons



Play the recording as kids enter, and give each child two napkins. All kids pretend to be trees. Lead them in a follow-the-leader dance, waving napkins while listening to the song. Stand with feet shoulder's width apart, standing in one spot, like trunks. Choose a student to take over as leader. Continue until the end of the song. Sit.


Show a picture of Scott Joplin from a book or one of the papers that is colored already. If possible, show a picture of maple leaf(ves) or ones from outside. Talk about how they dance through the air in the wind. Tell the kids about maple syrup coming from trees. Give each student a taste of REAL 100% maple syrup with spoons, with one napkin under each spoon.


Color pictures of Joplin (or of autumn leaves if you have no Joplin picture) while listening to the song again. If you have time, repeat the copycat game using the napkin they have left.


As they leave, put one maple cookie on their napkin as a treat.

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