Printed from the Idea Bank

Music Teaching Blues & Joys

Submitted by Ruben Foster, Richmond, Virginia

Idea posted 2003-09-19

I know firsthand that life has a way of throwing us all a curve ball when we least expect it, and things almost never go how we hope or plan them to. It also disappoints me greatly to read about a music teacher who is not supported by administration or other faculty members. That truly is a shame.

But what we do is SO important!!! There is no other profession, in my mind, as rewarding as teaching music to young people. We have the opportunity to introduce children to things they haven't experienced before. In some cases we are the very first music teacher that student has had in his/her entire life. Some of the happiest times of my life have been in front of a group of student musicians when it all comes together, and personally I am beside myself coming into this year after working a lifetime of jobs I've hated.

I feel we are blessed to be in this profession, and I hope that we all can have great years and help students accomplish things they thought they couldn't. We do this job because we love sharing music - no other reason!!!

I wish the best of luck to every single music teacher out there. We may not always be the most appreciated member on our school's faculty, but we have the coolest job.

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