Printed from the Idea Bank

Rules Rap

Submitted by Diane Hamilton, Churchville, New York

Idea posted 2003-09-08

(in round form)

A. Respect! Respect!
Respect is the key!
For we all can work together when we work as a team.
Respect! Respect!
Respect is the key
For we all can work together when we work as a team!
B. Following directions is important for ...
You can be successful when you know what to do!
(repeat A)
C. Only one person talks at a time
Please don't allow yourself to get out of line.
(repeat A)
D. Wait to play your instrument until you're directed,
Then you'll never ever have to be corrected.
(repeat A)
E. Raise your hand if you have a question
That's the only way to get attention!

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